Parenting and Personalities: Why Introverted Moms Need Peace & Quiet

Parenting and Personalities: Why Introverted Moms Need Peace & Quiet

Are you an introvert, extrovert, or ambivert (an equal blend of both)?

Does it really matter?

Yes, it does.

If you know your personality, then you know what your brain needs to recharge, and nothing makes you scream, “Recharge my batteries!” quite like motherhood. Especially if you’re an introvert.

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Your Brain on Motherhood: How Hormones Get You Into Mommy Mode

Your Brain on Motherhood: How Hormones Get You Into Mommy Mode

If you drew a picture of a woman with pregnancy brain, what would she look like?




It usually conjures a pitiful image, like someone lost in the wilderness trying to decipher a map. But the truth is, a woman’s brain during pregnancy and into new motherhood is a fully firing thing of wonder. It’s anything but lost.

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Mothers at the Gate: How to Keep Co-Parenting Strong

Mothers at the Gate: How to Keep Co-Parenting Strong

You’re baby is on the way and you’re ready to get into co-parenting with your partner, right? Sometimes, it’s easier said than done… 

For moms, there’s a genetic rascal in our DNA that may rear its complex head and compel us to be hyper-vigilant and critical of Dad’s parenting; it incites us to either encourage or limit his access to the baby. When we’re in this mode, we’re “gatekeeping” and our partner is left out in the cold.

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Appreciating the Dad in Your Life

Appreciating the Dad in Your Life

At Boot Camp for New Moms, we talk a lot about the impact fathers have on their child’s life and the value they bring to you as your partner, because it’s pretty profound. Dad is your greatest ally, and your child’s champion. When men become fathers, they get a chance to appreciate their own dad in a whole new light and to understand his struggles, sacrifices, and unique expressions of love.

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Stress Reducing Strategies for Moms Returning to Work

Stress Reducing Strategies for Moms Returning to Work

Once you’ve had a baby, it’s hard enough just to squeeze in a five minute shower, so the idea of pulling it together for a day at the office might make your head spin. If you’re planning to return to work, organization and preparation are your allies. The more time you give yourself to sort out the details, the better you’ll feel.

So, where to begin? Here are some helpful guidelines:

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New Mom's Guide to Making Friends After Baby

New Mom's Guide to Making Friends After Baby

Before becoming a mom, it’s hard to grasp how a tiny human being can stir up so much change. Bringing home a baby is a lot like inviting a little tornado to live with you: no area is left unscathed. You definitely need all the support you can get, and while your partner is your main go-to, having mom friends who get what you’re going through makes a huge difference.

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Oxytocin: Your Baby-Bonding Love Potion

Oxytocin: Your Baby-Bonding Love Potion

As a mom-to-be, you’ve got lots of hormones coursing through your body and some of them can be a real bear to handle. Thank goodness one of them is a love potion: Oxytocin.

In Boot Camp for New Moms, we talk a lot about this known “love hormone,” because it does so much during pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding, and baby bonding. Oxytocin promotes human connections, relationships, intimacy and trust.

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